maproom: yesterday you stated the results of the tournament in Tokyo, but I forgot to write down the link HYamashita: this is CGF open page, but there is no result. HYamashita: maproom: Aya was 1st = in 9x9, 1st in 19x19? HYamashita: two program, nomitan and Aya won in 9x9. maproom: nomitan - thank you HYamashita: there is no play-off. And Aya won in 19x19. HYamashita: you are welcome. The program name Once Twice three times four times five times six times seven times eight times nine times ten times The 11th round victory or defeat order. 1 2. immovable go 19× 9* 18× 17× 11* 3* 6* 8* 5* 1× 4* seven victory four defeats 5 3. Katsuya 18× 8× 19× 9* 6× 2× 15* 11* 14* 16* 5× five victory six defeats 11 4. five Tombo 17× 7* 14* 6* 1× 18* 19× 5× 10* 8* 2× 6 victory defeats 6 5. augite 16* 6* 12* 1* 19× 8* 10* 4* 2× 17× 3* eight victory three defeats 4 6. six caren 15* 5× 11× 4× 3* 14* 2× 18× 7* 10× 9* 5 victory defeats 11 7. [kuronekonya] 14* 4× 17× 8× 16* 9* 18× 13* 6× 15* 10× five victory six defeats 11 8. seven Boozer 13× 3* 20* 7* 12× 5× 11* 2× 17× 4× 19× 4 victory defeats 16 9. nine igoist 12× 2× 16× 3× 20× 7× 14* 15= 13× 11× 6× 1 victory defeat one minute 19 10. five Kasumi 11* 1× 15* 19× 18* 13× 5× 14* 4× 6* 7* 6 victory defeats 6 11. six island 10× 20× 6* 14* 2× 12× 8× 3× 15* 9* 16* 5 victory defeats 11 12. five Rock 9* 19× 5× 15* 8* 11* 16* 17× 1× 20× 13* 6 victory defeats 6 13. six APEIRON 8* 18* 1× 16× 17× 10* 20× 7× 9* 14* 12× 5 victory defeats 11 14. nine san 7× 17× 4× 11× 15* 6× 9× 10× 3× 13× 14* 2 victory defeats 18 15. [njara] 6× 16× 10× 12× 14× 20× 3× 9= 11× 7× 15× 0 victory ten defeat one minute 20 16. [ufuruu] 5× 15* 9* 13* 7× 1× 12× 20× 18× 3× 11× three victory eight defeats 17 17. two PerStone 4* 14* 7* 2* 13* 19× 1× 12* 8* 5* 20* 9 victory defeats 3 18. black cat 3* 13× 2* 20* 10× 4× 7* 6* 16* 19× 1× six victory five defeats 6 19. one nomitan 2* 12* 3* 10* 5* 17* 4* 1× 20* 18* 8* 10 victory defeat 1 6 They were the fifth Switzerland transformation type rounds (Final Race is complete Switzerland). (In the order, this star is this order. ) +------------------+----+----+----+----+----+------+----+-----+----+ Names of those who play | | One game | Two games | Three games | Four games | Five games | ..victory or defeat.. | Sol | SB/MD | Order | +------------------+----+----+----+----+----+------+----+-----+----+ | 1 . Immovable go | igoi | [Ufuruu] | [Irodo] | GNUG | Kasu | 3-2-0 | 12.0 | 3.0 | 5 | | | - | - ahead | × | × | - ahead | 3.0| | 1.0 | | | 2 . Katsuya | [Ufuruu] | GNUG | GOGA | PerS | agou | 4-1-0 | 13.0 | 9.0 | 2 | | | - | Ahead × | - | - ahead | - | 4.0| | 5.5 | | | 3 . [Irodo] | Tomb | care | Immovable | Booz | GNUG | 5-0-0 | 13.0 | 13.0 | 1 | | | - ahead | - | - ahead | - | - | 5.0| | 8.0 | | | 4.agouti | PerS | Booz | Kasu | GOGA | Katsuya | 2-2-1 | 13.5 | 3.0 | 8 | | | = | - | - ahead | Ahead × | Ahead × | 2.5| | 0.0 | | | 5.Boozer | ..hesitation.. [i;] | agou | PerS | [Irodo] | Tomb | 1-4-0 | 14.0 | 1.0 | 11 | | | - | Ahead × | Ahead × | Ahead × | × | 1.0| | 0.0 | | | 6.caren | GOGA | [Irodo] | igoi | Tomb | ..hesitation.. [i;] | 3-2-0 | 12.0 | 4.0 | 5 | | | × | Ahead × | - ahead | - | - | 3.0| | 1.0 | | | 7.GNUGo | Kasu | Katsuya | ..hesitation.. [i;] | Immovable | [Irodo] | 4-1-0 | 15.0 | 10.0 | 2 | | | - ahead | - | - | - ahead | Ahead × | 4.0| | 5.0 | | | 8.Kasumi | GNUG | igoi | agou | [Ufuruu] | Immovable | 2-3-0 | 10.5 | 1.0 | 9 | | | × | - ahead | × | - ahead | Ahead × | 2.0| | 0.0 | | | 9.GOGATAKI | care | Tomb | Katsuya | agou | PerS | 3-2-0 | 15.0 | 7.5 | 5 | | | - ahead | - | Ahead × | - | × | 3.0| | 2.5 | | Child of |10 of ..hesitation.. [i;] | Booz | PerS | GNUG | igoi | care | 1-4-0 | 12.5 | 1.0 | 11 | | | Ahead × | × | Ahead × | - | Ahead × | 1.0| | 0.0 | | |11.PerStone | agou | ..hesitation.. [i;] | Booz | Katsuya | GOGA | 3-1-1 | 11.5 | 5.0 | 4 | | | Ahead = | - ahead | - | × | - | 3.5| | 1.0 | | |12.Tombo | [Irodo] | GOGA | [Ufuruu] | care | Booz | 2-3-0 | 12.0 | 1.0 | 9 | | | × | Ahead × | - | Ahead × | - ahead | 2.0| | 0.0 | | |13 . [Ufuruu] | Katsuya | Immovable | Tomb | Kasu | igoi | 0-5-0 | 12.0 | 0.0 | 14 | | | Ahead × | × | Ahead × | × | × | 0.0| | 0.0 | | |14.igoist | Immovable | Kasu | care | ..hesitation.. [i;] | [Ufuruu] | 1-4-0 | 9.0 | 0.0 | 11 | | | Ahead × | × | × | Ahead × | - ahead | 1.0| | 0.0 | | +------------------+----+----+----+----+----+------+----+-----+----+ - :Win ×: defeat =: tie ahead: The first move. (The second mover is a blank. ) The result : up to the fifth round. Thank you very much for Mr./Ms. Matsui and yesterday. Let's fight next time on almost the same condition. 14 team participate in 19 roads. 1st place Aya 5-0 2nd place GnuGo 4-1 2nd place Katsuya 4-1 4th place PerStone 3-1-1 5th place GOGATAKI 3-2 It was an order.